Are photos on the website for real?
We only use photos and videos that we personally shoot during our tours. We like to be honest about what you “assume” while exploring our website. Also, image bank and professional photos are both expensive, misleading, and do not provide you with information!
Very, very limited photos are taken from free sources like old maps, or digital illustrations. Some videos are also from friends that have allowed us to use, so we can give you an overview of some areas we visit.
Overall, what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)!
So, this will be grilled fresh fish with a dressing of real olive-oil (green!), lemon, and oregano!
And this will be us!
And this will be you!
☼ Do check out our FAQs Not 4 Dummies section to see all our FAQs. It contains a wealth of knowledge for the first time but also the experienced visitor of Greece.